Universal Laws

Here’s my crack at explaining the Universe from the ground up. As far as I can reason, these laws apply everywhere in the Universe, without exception.

  1. Existence – Nothingness is impossible, therefore only existence is. We exist.
  2. Change – Everything has always existed, it simply changes.
  3. Time – Time, change, and motion are the same thing – the transformation of space.
  4. Determinism – The Universe, although causal, is fundamentally indeterministic.
  5. Complexity – The Universe is complex because we’re fallible. It’s impossible to completely eliminate fallibility because of premise four. Therefore, a minimum uncertainty will always exist.
  6. Entropy – Unless we can achieve FTL, bypass the laws of thermodynamics, or slow down the expansion of our Universe, our species will eventually encounter a physically unavoidable heat death.
  7. Quanta of Consciousness – Consciousness is quantum, and therefore finitely divisible, and therefore replicable.
  8. Randomness – Causality prohibits true randomness while the uncertainty principle enforces our perception of it.