Behind the Bastards

Investigative journalist Robert Evans (a super interesting dude) leads a podcast where he unveils billionaires and many people in power for who they really are – harmful parasites.

Why I like Evans: He doesn’t fabricate and puts serious effort into fact-checking himself. The man (sometimes frustratingly) gives even obviously and heinously evil people the benefit of the doubt and comes at it from multiple viewpoints – his own and the various guests on his show. Once you’ve listened to several of his podcasts, you can’t help but have your eyes opened about how these parasitic fuckers insidiously enrich themselves at our expense.

Here’s a few examples from the podcasts I’ve listened to…

  • Elon Musk – Unfortunately, I fell into the brainwashed camp that believes this man is in it for the future of humanity and cutting through all the bullshit out there to get it done. No more! After hearing this podcast, it’s very clear that Elon is a piece of shit.
  • Bill Gates – I used to admire this man. My goodness, I had no idea – this man has had the most absurdly continuous and undeserved luck streak of anyone I can think of (maybe anyone ever?). Did he use this streak of fortune to help others? Nope! He enriched himself his entire life and during the pandemic he even played a crucial role in preventing the vaccine from being open-sourced so it could be more rapidly deployed. His reasoning? Intellectual property rights are apparently more important to him than human lives. But he eats burgers at McDonald’s with Warren Buffet, so he’s just a regular Joe at heart, right? Fuck off, Bill.
  • Stalin, Hitler, Saddam – It’s obvious to healthy, reasonable adults that dictators are evil, but it was interesting to hear their more complete life stories and how they managed to actually get into power.
  • Alex Jones – Truly a disgusting and evil human. I don’t understand how anyone could listen to this podcast and not wish for this clown to have a heart attack. Jones is probably the worst fear monger and misinformation spreader in the modern era. It’s hard to quantify the damage he’s done.
  • Mark Zuckerberg – Another evil piece of shit. Evans goes so far as to title these episodes “Mark Zuckerberg should be on trial for crimes against humanity.”

There’s so many more I haven’t listened to yet: Ted Cruz, Harvey Weinstein, Trump, SBF, Dr. Phil, Bezos, Rush Limbaugh, etc. It’s been really tough to binge this podcast because it engages my cognitive dissonance so strongly; I thought I knew these people and what they were about. But Evans just keeps proving me wrong, over and over again.

If we’re smart, this podcast should be a mandatory class in University settings to improve our society. There’s clear patterns you start picking up in recognizing people like this after listening to about five or more of Evans’ podcasts. And if everyone learned to recognize these patterns, the world would probably be a significantly better place.